Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog and thank you for the love shown in the previous posts.

So, today I’m talking about a topic I’ve always wanted to post but not sure of the way individuals will react to it.

I’m not really going to go deep into it, I would love to know your thoughts also.

For a large part of my Christian life, I thought mental illness/disorder was something we could never talk about as Christians and therapy was a bad thing. There was this thought that you’re weak in the faith if you admit that you need help.

Seeking professional help for your mental health is not bad. God will not see you any less for seeking help and your faith is not gone if you want to get better mentally.

We visit the medical doctors for our bodily checkup, dentists to make sure our dental health is fine and also financial advisors for our finances to be in a good place. Why is our mental health seen as area to not seek help for if we need it?

God’s desire is for you to have a wholesome life and you deserve to be physically, mentally and spiritually healthy.

I so much believe in confessing God’s word in the midst of the storm and in the sweet times. Even if you’re still going to see the doctor or a therapist, confess God’s word. They don’t cancel each other out, God’s word will still work over you even if you seek professional help.

Also, surround yourself with supportive friends and leaders. It’s very important.

I want to know your thoughts about this topic. Should Christians go for therapy? What are your fears about it?


  1. Love that you’re discussing this important topic. I, for one, fully believe that Christians can and should go to therapy–it’s done wonders in my life! But I believe that everyone has to make that decision for themselves, following God’s leading for our individual healing.

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  2. This post struck a chord with me. The question you asked gave me the push I needed to write the post on depression that I’ve been shying away from. I’ll share it soon. And link it here. This topic is too important to ignore.

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