The Curse of Perfectionism

“It’s been so long since I created a post” I’ve probably said this a million times on this blog or personally to my friends and myself. To be honest, I was waiting for the perfect moment in my life to finally create a blog post.

I love blogging, I really do. However, life doesn’t always go according to plan and this can affect the passion you have for the things you love.

What do you do when things don’t actually go according to plan or things are not perfect as you want it to be?

Do you give up on everything or continue to push and do the best you can regardless of what life throws at you?

These are questions to ask yourself because the reality is that there is no perfect day/life. You make perfection out of imperfections with your outlook on life.

My birthday is coming soon and as usual, I reflect and see how I can be better. This year, I’ve promised myself that I’ll do what I need to regardless of the imperfections going on around me and do so without fear. I think you should too. No holding back.

This is just a post that came out of penning down my thoughts and I think this will help someone around.

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